What are the basic components of CCTV Camera Systems?

A CCTV camera system is quite simple to understand, although the parts themselves may be very complex, the basic components are relatively easy to install once you know what they are.

Here are all the basic components of a CCTV system:


There is a wide range of different security cameras available depending on your needs. They range from very basic, inexpensive models to expensive certificated cameras with smart capabilities. Before purchasing a camera you should consider just what you require the CCTV camera to do for you. Then consider the different mounting options and functions each camera offers.

Image storage device

The security DVR is where the images captured by your CCTV camera’s are stored and managed. It will have preloaded software that helps you sort out each camera that’s installed in the system individually, so you need to have a device that has enough channels for the number of CCTV cameras.

CCTV Cables

Basic CCTV cameras need to be connected to their recording device by cable although the more advanced models use blue tooth or wireless connectors. Some CCTV cameras are solar powered, but the majority need to be hard wired to a mains supply power source or the homes emergency power supply to ensure if there is a power failure your security surveillance system remains operational.
This connection is made using a Siamese CCTV camera cable system which combines a video transmitting RG59 coaxial cable with a double wired 16 gauge power cable.

BNC Connectors

At the ends of the RG59 coaxial cables, BNC connectors are fitted so each camera is connected to the appropriate channel.

CCTV Camera Power Supply

Some CCTV cameras operate using 12volt while others require a 210 volts supply so it’s important to match your CCTV camera with the correct power supply.

Each CCTV camera is connected directly to the matching output of the power supply and the power supply is connected to your household emergency power supply.

Some CCTV system power supplies are equipped with their own emergency backup power storage so are hard wired directly to the main’s powers of your home.

All most systems require to install are a drill, screwdriver and a wire stripping tool to attach the BBC connectors to the RG59 coaxial cable. This allows most people to be able to install their own CCTV camera systems, but to get the best results a lot of care and thought needs to be used to ensure the CCTV cameras you choose are the right ones for the job and they are positioned correctly.

Installation of a very basic CCTV camera security system can be installed by anyone with basic home handy person skills. But the more advances and expensive systems should be installed by an suitably qualified and experienced technician to obtain the best results and to ensure your system is able to capture high quality images needed to identify people captured on the recordings.


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