Common mistakes to avoid while CCTV camera installation

With the rise in crime all around The Gold Coast, many people are looking at ways to protect themselves and their property. Installing a CCTV camera system is a great way to deter potential unwanted guests or at least alert you to their presence. Some people prefer to have a go at installing their own CCTV camera systems.

These are common mistakes to avoid while installing your own CCTV camera system:

Improperly Positioning the CCTV Cameras

Your CCTV cameras must be mounted so you get an unobstructed view of the area you want to monitor. Often the inexperienced installer will place them behind an obstacle or in a position where sunlight disrupts the view. The ideal place to position a CCTV camera is high on a wall under the protection of a roof with a downward facing angle or position. Do not place behind trees, posts or other objects

Installing a Low Quality CCTV Camera

With CCTV camera systems, you really do get what you pay for and buying cheap cameras usually means you get an inferior quality image or picture, making it virtually useless for identifying anyone captured in your recordings. Low quality camera’s, usually do not last very long and have a very limited warranty. If you purchase a good quality Camera and CCTV camera system, they come with a long warranty and offer a high standard of imagery

Failure to Secure Your CCTV Cameras Sufficiently

Being a high cost item CCTV cameras are themselves prone to theft if they are not installed in a secure location. They should be at least nine feet or three meters from the ground or any walkway and securely mounted. This way they’re difficult to remove, tamper with or vandalise.

Failure to Secure Your CCTV Camera System Adequately

Many CCTV camera systems now operate on Wi-Fi making it easy for you to monitor your system from anywhere, but care must be taken to avoid your system being hacked by using a strong, safe password or two step sign in to protect your system 

Not Enough CCV Cameras

If you don’t install enough cameras, so you get a complete coverage of all the vulnerable areas of your property, thieves or vandals will take advantage of this and gain access without being detected.

Failure to Activate Alerts

When you are unable to monitor your CCTV system, it’s important that you set up a system that alerts you to any unusual or suspicious activity. This can be done using an app program, some of the better quality systems come with this type of feature built in. Many systems are also connected to a security firm to monitor and alert the police if necessary

Not Using A Professional to Install Your CCTV Security System

Trying to save a few dollars and installing your own CCTV security camera system on your own, unless you are very competent, is often a costly mistake and could void your warranty. A professional installer has the right knowledge and equipment to do the job quickly and cost effectively, saving you stress and probably money in the long term

Always have a professional install your high quality CCTV camera systems properly to give you the best protection possible.


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